Build Nests for our Wintering Trumpeter Swans...Sari Grove


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  • To build & distribute nests for Trumpeter Swans...

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Ontario is home to over 1200 Trumpeter Swans...
Those Trumpeter Swans are the result of a conservation effort to save the species from extinction...
In 2007, Trumpeter Swans were released back into the wild...
This population of Trumpeter Swans has not migrated south, nor is there evidence that they are building nests to sleep in...
In England, where swans are more actively protected, piles of reeds are laid out for swans to use to build nests ...
I suggest going one step further- building 5 foot diameter straw nests, that can be laid out, pre-made, for our wintering swans to nest in... 

Community Benefit

This will bring the community closer to our Trumpeter Swans...Many people are not aware that the public is encouraged to feed swans in the winter, that that act can mean the difference between life or death for our swans...Signs discouraging folk from helping our swans have turned people away from participating...Fresh grainy soft bread, whole shelled corn available at Wild Birds Unlimited or Ren's Pet & Feed in Oakville, or Mazuri Waterfowl Pellets, these are all foods that a swan might like...When feeding swans in winter, you might start thinking about how cold it is, & where do they sleep? I did...I have seen them nesting on the wet sand near to rocks at the beach...In winter too...There does not seem to be enough brush for them to build a nest, or they have not been taught, as these swans were raised initially in captivity...Other birds will take to a pre-made nest, why not swans? It is just a bigger nest...My design is made of just straw, held together in a simple donut shape...

How will the $5K be used?

Budget Notes: My labour of making the nests using a bale of straw for each nest & a small amount of string tied around the diameter to hold the donut shape...
$ 5,000 1000 straw nests cost of 5 dollars each

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