Help low-income families with spay/neuter and basic vet care for petsRichmond Animal Protection Society


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  • Help low-income families afford veterinary care
  • Avoid unwanted pregnancies in dogs and cats
  • Educate owners about the importance of basic veterinary care

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RAPS "Pets and Partners" project will help reduce the number of unfixed dogs and cats coming into our two shelters, and help people keep their pets.  We have found many citizens cannot afford basic care for their companion animals due to prohibitive veterinary costs. Pet owners would be able to keep their animals healthy with our assistance while simultaneously keeping the pet population in check. We have a relationship with vets who are willing to work with us to provide these basic services at a reduced cost. RAPS will book and pay for all veterinary procedures for the project's participants. We will organize and advertise this project by contacting BC Housing, Social Services, seniors centres, the food bank, unemployment office, and community centres to identify our citizens' needs. We will display posters and flyers at these various venues and advertise in the local papers. Our target group will be low-income people and families, seniors and others in need.

Community Benefit

Low-income people will be able to get spay/neuter and basic vet care for their companion animals. The benefits to the community would be that pet owners would be able to keep their companion animals healthy with our assistance. They will not have to surrender them to the shelter or abandon them outdoors just because the costs of ownership are too high. Pets provide valuable comfort and companionship to their owners; petting a beloved cat or dog lowers blood pressure and staves off loneliness and depression. If more people are able to afford and keep their pets, there will be fewer surrendered and stray animals in the shelter. If more animals are spayed or neutered there will be fewer (hopefully none) unwanted litters contributing to the homeless pet problem. People can feel good about themselves when they know that their pets are happy and healthy. People may also feel more connected to their community when they know that there is a group able to help them with their pets.

How will the $25K be used?

$ 3,750 Spay 50 cats
$ 2,500 Neuter 50 cats
$ 1,500 Vaccinate 100 cats
$ 1,500 Deworm 100 cats
$ 1,200 Flea Treatment 100 cats
$ 3,750 Spay 25 dogs
$ 2,500 Neuter 25 dogs
$ 1,250 Vaccinate 50 dogs
$ 1,000 Deworm 50 dogs
$ 750 Flea Treatment 50 dogs
$ 1,250 Test for Feline Aids + Leukemia 32 cats
$ 1,600 Blood panel 20 cats
$ 2,400 Blood panel 20 dogs
$ 50 Deworming of 2 dogs

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