Youth Music Movement

Professionally record student artists across Canada for free.Youth Music Movement


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Award granted
Cycle 1


  • Give students across Canada the chance to develop their creative ideas
  • Stimulate youth motivation and positive action in the music community

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Our first goal is to allow inspired young artists to record their masterpieces in order to stimulate creativity and positive action in our communities. Bands interested in our project will approach us via email or facebook, and we will drive all the way to their home town to make the magic happen. Our mobile studio is ideal for this project : we will end up in Manitoba, Quebec and maybe even in Yukon! This is why we need 25 000$,  Canada is a big country.

But our project doesn't stop there, it will benefit another a larger group of future musicians : the younger ones playing their first notes right in school. All the bands we record will be featured on a charity album that will profit a foundation supporting musical learning in schools across the country.  Basically, we will both invest in the kids we record and in the kids that will certainly develop and share their passion for music. For all we know, they could be the Cohens, Presleys and Lennons of tomorrow!

How will the $25K be used?

Budget Notes: *The additional recording gear will allow us to bring a finishing touch to our mobile studio *Gas was estimated for a trip around Canada at 42 cents per kilometer. *Lodging was estimated at 80$ a night for the group and food at 30$ per person per day.
$ 6,000 Additional recording gear and software
$ 3,000 Gas
$ 6,500 Food and lodging
$ 5,000 Mastering and post-production
$ 2,000 Burning and printing of CDs
$ 2,500 Marketing campaign

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