4'R Techno: Electronic gadgets awareness workshop consortium evolution


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  • Create awareness among students on environmental issues and their importance
  • Create awareness among students on the use of natural resources
  • Equip students so they become better eco-citizens
  • Develop students' sense of critique vis a vis environmental issues
  • Make students aware of social impacts arising from


EN 4'R Techno: 250 secondary classes, 4-5 on the island of Montreal.

Workshop Contents:

Phase I: Awareness

Introduction to concepts related to climate change.                                The electronics seen from a green eye.                                           Consume differently and smartly!

Phase II: Consciencessely 

As part of this phase of the workshop, teachers are invited to involve their students to the workshop in a proactive way, by suggesting to them to complete  individual or collective projects.                                              Once all projects will be completed, an exhibition will take place in every school concerned.

Phase III: Action

In partnership with the Recyc-Ordi company , we will organize a weekend or a day to collect all electronic gadgets in the Montreal Island region.





Community Benefit

Facing the rising use of electronic devices and their waste into the environment (144.000 tons of waste annually in Canada), Consortium Évolution offers to organize an educational workshop to raise awareness and educate young people about the misuse generated by overconsumption of natural resources, and the impact of these electronic gadgets on the environment if not recycled. The ultimate purpose of this approach will aim at changing young people's attitude towards their game habits, consumption and how to dispose of their electronic gadgets. We believe that reducing the consumption and disposal of electronic gadgets will help preserve the natural resources and environment of our planet. The gain from this awareness will be beneficial because it will provide a better living environment for all.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 85,000 2 full-time hosts 1 year ($ 70,000) + 20% Coordinator for 1 year
$ 5,000 Teaching Tools + make a video
$ 10,000 LAC Rental + Recycling Electronic Gadgets transport

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