Find that moneymaking business idea
Deciding to start your own business or coming up with an idea to earn more money is actually not that difficult, you just need to do your homework and source out the competition. But, with so many people setting up businesses or becoming self-employed it can be extremely hard to think of something that has not been done before, or is not very common and there is room in the market for one more…yours!
To give you some unique ideas here is a list below to get you started. Perhaps you can even add an extra take to some of the ideas just to make it your own and really deliver something unusual.
Turn your hobby into a business
There are a lot of successful businesses out there that literally started with someone who decided to make money from doing something they enjoyed most. Do you have a hobby that could be turned into a business venture? Some examples of unique companies that started from a hobby are sculpture companies that produce hand carved sculptures from iron, steel, wood and even plastic and then sell them to hotels, restaurants, casinos, libraries, theme parks and so forth. The more unusual your hobby, the better. For example, one woman from the USA was obsessed with dolls and so she set up a doll hospital to repair and renovate damaged and old dolls. She even makes unique doll costumes. Other hobbies that can be turned into a business include jewellery making, painting, sewing, writing and even gardening.
Theme your business idea
If you have always wanted to run a café, or a gift shop for example, why not put a unique twist to it and theme the entire establishment? Some of the most profitable businesses have done this. One good example is a café that themed the entire place on pigs. Everything is served on china that is either shaped like a pig or has pig images on them. The food options contain dishes such as ‘the daily trough’ which is a big portion of an all-day breakfast. The café even has chairs that are shaped at the top like pig ears. It’s a great idea and customers love the ambience and décor which makes it very popular. You can apply a theme to almost any establishment as long as you are consistent throughout. A world-wide famous restaurant with a theme has to be planet Hollywood where everything is based on famous stars, the burgers, the décor and the music. There are many shops that have used themes such as the moon, Greek mythology, animals, famous people and even simply themed on the colour where everything sold is blue for example.
Specialize using the career you have now
Another good idea is to think about what you do now, or what skills you have and see if there is a way to specialize in a certain area that could make you a bit unique. For example, a vet decided he wanted to set up his own practise but didn’t want to be simply an ordinary animal surgery so he decided to specialize in exotic animal care and not only treat the animals but also give advice on caring, handling and breeding exotic animals. He now has people traveling from all over Europe to come and see him as his services are rare to find. Another example of this is payroll services that offer a tailor-made service to companies that need help sorting out salaries for staff. There are manyways you can take your skills and apply them in such a way that you can provide a specialized service that not many other people are doing, so get your thinking caps on and come up with that great new entrepreneurial idea!