Physical benefits:
In 2010 it was reported by the Surgeon General that one out of every three children in the United States is either overweight or obese. By having a local neighborhood playground, children have the much needed access to playground equipment and a safe place to play. Having the proper playground equipment not only provides endless hours of fun, but also gets children moving and exercising at the same time – without even thinking about it. Slides offer climbing exercises and reinforce hand eye balance, monkey bars increase upper body strength, balance beams increase a child’s balance and when combined with other pieces of equipment, a child will receive a full body, heart healthy, cardiovascular workout.
Social benefits:
Part of the appeal of having a local neighborhood playground for parents is the social opportunity it offers their children, as well as themselves. Children naturally learn to take turns, to share, and to engage with others by playing with their peers on a playground. Children also learn how to communicate and build off one other’s ideas by working collaboratively to create beautiful sand castles, make up games, and build ramps off playground structures. Parents also benefit mightily from this social interaction by getting to know their neighbors better, or to catch up with old friends, while their children play together on the playground.
Cognitive benefits:
Playground equipment has been proven to help smaller children’s brains develop, through a variety of sensory experiences and learning fine motor skills by crawling, running, and walking on various objects. It has been proven that a child’s brain development is the most critical in the first six years of his/her life, and that exercise and sensory play are two of the best methods for increase motor skills and brain more reviews in their latest comments.
Confidence benefits:
There is nothing cooler as a parent than to see your child achieve something for the first time. Your child will be thrilled when they climb their first rock wall, cross the monkey bars on their own, or walk all the way across the balance beam without falling off.
Children have the perfect opportunity to not only learn, and do new things, on a local neighborhood playground, but also to conquer any fears they may have. Children who are afraid of heights will learn they want to get pushed higher on the swing set and children, who are afraid of smaller spaces, will soon be squeezing into tunnels and climbing up slides. Playgrounds are an excellent tool to help children overcome fears and increase self confidence; all while having fun and exercising.their are lots of information that can be found at