To open a perinatal centre in a remote areaBélinda Jomphe


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  • To open a perinatal centre in a remote region


The mission:
The perinatal centre will be a non profit organization that will deliver perinatal services that satisfy the needs of parents and future parents through a global approach to pregnancy and to the parental experience.

Main objectives of the project
- to provide a friendly place that caters to the needs of parents and children
- to listen, support and inform
- to allow a smooth adjustment to pregnancy and to life with a baby
- to promote healthy living habits during the prenatal and post natal periods
- to break the isolation of new parents

Community Benefit

The project will improve the quality of life of young families by breaking their isolation. It will help parents develop their parental skills and provide them with access to quality prenatal courses.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 20,000 facilities
$ 45,000 job creation (teachers)
$ 35,000 material

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