Open a training center to teach human and pet First Aid & CPR classes.Mr CPR


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  • To offer affordable First Aid & CPR training
  • To teach people how to care for their injures pets.

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MR CPR First Aid & CPR Services is located in Sault Ste Marie, ON, specializing in First Aid and CPR training to the lay public as well as professional rescuers. We are an "on-site" and "off-site" training facility available to all individuals and groups who are interested in obtaining these important lifesaving skills. Our approach to instruction is interactive, hands-on and enjoyable. The CPR Saves lives project will allow us to offer These important lifesaving courses at a very affordable price .This will enable a larger portion of the public to afford to take these courses . I also intend to offer training in Pet First Aid & CPR to let people know what to do if their four legged furry friends ever experience a medical emergency.

Community Benefit

The benefit of my project to the community is great . It will enable a larger number of people to receive these lifesaving skills . It will also enable me to offer skills to pet owners to inform them of what to do in the event that their furry four legged friends were ever in a medical emergency . As i am 1 of only of 5 people trained by a internationally recognized organization as a pet First Aid & CPR instructor in Canada . Since i am the only one certified as a pet instructor in northern Ontario this not only enables me to offer this service to the people of Sault Ste Marie but also other communities in northern Ontario.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 2,000 Purchase Manniquins
$ 1,200 purchase AED trainers
$ 8,000 Training materials
$ 75,000 Permanent training facility.
$ 3,800 promotional items
$ 10,000 vehicle

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