Produce a short educational documentary film for families.Durham Family Network


Competed in
Cycle 5


  • To produce & edit a short educational documentary film for families
  • To produce 100 copies & distribute our film to interested families.
  • To promite and build valued participation & inclusion for everyone.


     The Durham Family Network documentary film project is the culmination of a larger project. The larger project has been bringing families together to engage, learn, connect and share their fears and questions about planning for the future for their sons & daughters with a disability. 

      Through our DFN volunteers and participating families we have been filming and capturing family conversations and stories. We have been following and filming three extraordinary young people and their families and have been documenting their journeys. 

      We have been mentored in our filming by a local film producer. We will soon have many hours of film that will require us to purchase good editing in order for it to become a high quality informative and educational documentary.

Community Benefit

The documentary will be an effective educational tool for answering the many questions that family, friends and the community has about planning and enacting a plan for a positive future for someone with a disability. It will tell the story of person directed planning, how to work at building a future of belonging, community participation and citizenship for someone. It will provide examples of excellence for families, community organizations and schools to model. It will involve community members to speak to how the broader community has benefited from the contributions people have made through their participation and citizenship.

How will the $5K be used?

$ 3,000 To purchase professional film editing.
$ 2,000 Reproduce 100 DVD, promotion and packaging

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