Reach First Nation Aboriginal offenders reintergrate to their cultureMichelle Preddie


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  • To reach aboriginal offenders in the provincial and federal system
  • Provide support and referrals
  • Lead by example
  • To work with them through different issues
  • Present project to other First Nations organizations


The Return to Grassroots Teaching would be to enable first nations offenders to uinderstand our grassroot teachings and identity through teachings and circles that allow us to gather coming together with similliar past and history's understanding our true struggles throughout history that some of us may release the burdens that we carry each day that destroy's our humaness.  That we turn to drugs or alcohol for comfort.  Understanding that we can identify as an aboriginal person doesn't necessarily mean we are a failure drunk or drug addict and even though we may have an extensive criminal history we can make the steps needed to get past those times and use those experiences as life skills to further develope our identity as a nation and culture.  Since the apology of Harper to identify as an aboriginal no longer brings the shame hurt  guilt and err of past history healing of 7th generation is in it's chapter being an end product of residential school

How will the $5K be used?

Budget Notes: cost , wages, material , knowledge, life experience,
$ 5,000 Travel to institutions

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