Develop the Family Resource Library for Children with Special NeedsGeorge Jeffrey Children's Foundation


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  • To enable parents to help their children reach their full potential
  • To address dozens of physical, developmental & social disabilities
  • To provide current, informative and interactive resources
  • To enrich the lives of the over 1000 families we serve
  • To create a relaxed and inviting learning atmosphere

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Finding out that your child has a disability is something a parent is never expecting or prepared for. The family resource library will be a place where parents are empowered to learn more about their child’s disability, and be prepared to help them reach their full potential.

The Family Resource Library will consist of a Library as well as an Activity/Toy Lending Service. Parents will be able to enter the library at their own leisure to read a specialized book or magazine, watch a video, or visit web links to learn about their child’s disability and how to address the challenges they present in every-day life. The Activity/Toy Lending Centre will feature toys, games, and books that cater to specific developmental goals.

The GJCC currently has space designated for the Family Resource Library; however, the space must be further developed with an investment in more supplies and a new open design that will be more inviting and accessible.

Community Benefit

This project benefits the community by providing families the information and materials to better help them in their daily routines with a child dealing with a disability. Specialized support materials and activities for children with disabilities are not always easily accessible or within a family’s means. Having a child with a physical, developmental or social disability has proven to be a very enriching experience. However, caring for a disabled child can at times be a very emotionally and taxing strain on a family. Not being able to properly meet these challenges can be a heartbreaking experience for a parent. It is our goal, through this project, to assist families in their daily lives with resources to care for the special needs of their children. The knowledge and experiences acquired through the resource centre will allow parents to help their families develop positive routines, habits and behaviors as they strive towards a normal lifestyle for their special needs children.

How will the $25K be used?

$ 10,000 Resources – Specialized Books & magazines, Braille, Videos, Audio, toy
$ 10,000 Equipment - A/V, Computers, Software
$ 5,000 Furnishings and building supplies

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