Build an eco-friendly vehicle with H2O as the only by-product.Fiona Marlow


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  • Build a vehicle that gives no emissions apart from H2O
  • Inspire car companies to mass produce and sell similar vehicles


  Since global warming is an international concern, we must find ways to reduce our Green house gas emissions. Carbon dioxide is the most abundant harmful emission in the atmosphere. The goal of my project is to build a vehicle that will not rely on any non-renewable energy sources. The vehicle will have similar technology to electric cars (an old golf cart is required for it's body); however a fuel cell system will be installed to power the vehicle, through the process of reverse electrolysis, which sends 2 electrons for every H2O molecule reformed. Solar panels will also be installed and conected to the electrolyser for the electrolysis of water so the fuel cell can be supplied with molecular Hydrogen.


Community Benefit

I will create a non-polluting vehicle and it will show that hydrogen should replace petroleum as a fuel to reduce pollution. My project will also prove that Hydrogen isn't as hard to use as is believed.

How will the $5K be used?

Budget Notes: Taxes, shipping and handelling are not included in the budjet.
$ 1,030 fuel cell system
$ 1,017 solar panels
$ 1,353 electrolyser
$ 600 extra parts,
$ 1,000 other hydrogen equipment

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