Be a hero for animals! Help us help 1000's of animals in Langley.Langley Animal Protection Society


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  • Our goal is to build an education and training centre.

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We are looking to build an education centre that will help us to reach the people of our community.

  • Provide basic obedience training classes to the public. This will benefit dogs in and promote humane education. LAPS strongly believes in positive methods training all classes will be taught using “clicker training” as a method.

  • Provide basic obedience training classes for families that are adopting dogs from our shelter. This will help make sure that our dogs are good citizens and will stay in their forever homes. The number one reason why dogs are returned to shelters is because people cannot manage them.

  • Create an educational program for school age children to promote proper care for pets, including spaying and neutering.

    Educate people about our spay/neuter program for cats and our Trap Neuter and Release program (TNR). The goal is to reduce the size of free living and feral cat population in Langley.

Community Benefit

We want to develop and implement education programs that will help people better manage their pets in the community and will ultimately reduce the number of unwanted pets in our shelter. To provide humane education to school aged children improving animal welfare in companion animals as well as livestock.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 75,000 Purchase building
$ 10,000 Staff and volunteer training
$ 15,000 To develope humane education materials

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