Kickballs for Kids

continue sharing sport with those that can't afford itKickballs for Kids


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Award granted
Cycle 1


  • To share sport with Canadian children that can't afford it.

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Project Summary:

"Kickballs for Kids" is an initiative to share sport with the world's poorest children.  The organization was created to help buy soccer balls for children in Africa but there are many more lives that can be touched, specifically in Canada.  Participating in sports is one of the best ways to build confidence, to learn teamwork and leadership skills, and to keep children away from a destructive lifestyle.  Chris Thompson has already raised more than $7000 and delivered nearly 400 soccer balls to children in Africa.  He has also recruited others to help him in his mission.  We would like to continue this work in Canada.


Web site to promote K4K
Facebook group with over 5000 members
Media coverage (have already extensive coverage but great potential for more)
Sports equipment, (soccer, hockey, baseball, basketball, etc) delivered through a network of educational facilities and community organizations

How will the $10K be used?

Budget Notes: Time, hard work, and patience. We will also promote K4K (as well as Pepsi's contribution) in the media and spread the word of what we're trying to achieve. Chris has already begun to build a network of people who are working toward the same goal: to bring sport to the world's poorest children.
$ 7,500 to purchase sports equipment, both new and used
$ 1,000 to distribute sports equipment
$ 1,000 to create functional and attractive web site
$ 500 to build a network of donors, pick up donations, and distribute

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