Build a Spay / Neuter Clinic for the Lincoln County Humane SocietyLincoln County Humane Society


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  • Raise $1.6 million for the rescueus Campaign
  • Reverse the cat over-population epidemic in our community
  • Spay / Neuter all our shelter cats and dogs
  • Offer subsidized pet sterlization to financial need residents
  • Trap Neuter/Spay Return program

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Our initiative, consisting of sterilization, improved adoption facilities and education on proper animal care will result in the most humane treatment of our community's animals. 

Phase I: we will sterilize all animals in our care.

Phase II: will offer pet sterilization to those pet owners in our service area who, through a simple means test, can demonstrate a financial need for a cost effective procedure. We will provide education and lists of local veterinarians for procedure follow-up and healthy animal care.

Phase II: we will adopt a program of Trap, Neuter and Return for our area's feral cats.

This Clinic will have a capacity of 2,500 sterilization procedures per year. Its operation will eliminate local cat overpopulation and ultimately the need for euthanasia as the primary control within our community.

This triple-pronged effort will raise the bar for the humane treatment of animals and standards of care in Lincoln County.

Community Benefit

Thousands of cats in Niagara, are not wandering pets but stray cats turned feral. Others are the offspring of abandoned pets who were not spayed or neutered in time to keep them from breeding. Feral cats are typically unsuitable for an indoor life with human companions; they fear people. They live in groups or colonies near a source of food such as a restaurant's dumpster or a home where cat food is regularly left on the porch. Two healthy cats and their healthy offspring can be responsible for breeding as many as 420,000 kittens in just 7 years! Feral and abandoned animals experience starvation, harsh weather, sickness, attacks from other animals or on humans and finally either death in the wild or capture and placement in overburdened shelters. Ultimately most of these cats are unadoptable and are euthanized. Our community shares the responsibility for a humane solution to this growing problem.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 70,000 Building construction
$ 30,000 New equipment

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