modernize a Regional Arena for kids of all ages!!!Bonne Bay Recreation/Rink Committee


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  • To refurbish our arena
  • To provide a safe, user-friendly environment for our patrons
  • To enhance services already provided


Our project plan would include:
-remodel of kitchen/cafeteria
-remodel of both washrooms/shower area.
-upgrade of electrical panel
-replacement of hot water tank
-painting of dressing rooms
-replacement of boards around skating area
-replacement of scoreboard/scorekeepers box

The benefit of these upgrades would be enormous and mean so much to the region that calls this arena home.  We have 3 municipalities that utlize the arena for many different events, from sports events to family outings.   These upgrades would allow us to provide a safe, user-friendly environment for all to use.  Many groups use the arena for various functions throughout the year, including school outings, benefit dances, organized sports, the Annual Regatta dance is held at the arena.  

Our goal is to update and modernize as much of the building that we can.  This project would allow us to reach our goal.  

Community Benefit

The community benefit would be felt across three municipalities. The upgrades would allow us to provide better services to those who need it the most. The people of the region could again rely on the arena as a suitable place to bring their children for safe and supervised physical activity. They would feel secure in the knowledge that they, and their children, would be able to exercise, run and play in a modern facility. From schools to businesses, volunteers to health organizations-everyone would feel the benefit of this project.

How will the $25K be used?

Budget Notes: The man hours needed to complete this project will not be covered. This will be picked up by the many volunteers who are ready to make this dream a reality.
$ 10,000 remodel of kitchen/cafeteria
$ 10,000 remodel of 2 washrooms/showers
$ 1,000 upgrade electrical panel
$ 1,000 replace boards on skating area of arena
$ 1,000 paint, rollers, trays, brushes
$ 1,000 replace hot water tank with larger, more efficient tank
$ 1,000 replace scoreboard/scorekeepers box

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