Help people with mental illness train for jobsCanadian Mental Health Association, Winnipeg Region


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  • Help people with mental illness find employment
  • Purchase computers for job training
  • Purchase audio visual equipment for job training
  • Purchase office furniture for training facility

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Project Summary:
The 'Help people with mental illness train for jobs' project will assist hundreds of people in Winnipeg, Manitoba that live with a mental illness to find gainful employment. 

A steady income and the rewards of being employed can alleviate stress from a person living with mental illness and contribute significantly to their recovery.

1 in 5 Canadians will experience a mental illness in their lifetime. Given that statistic, it is safe to say that you, a family member or friend will be impacted by mental illness. It may be your Mom, your son or the nice man who helped you when your car broke down.

The staff in our office are dedicated to helping these people find work. Our biggest challenge is having usable workspace and equipment. Our agency has grown by 25% in the last 3 years and currently as we move to a new space we need support to purchase equipment and furnishings to address the growing demand.

Community Benefit

Our community desperately needs the services of our Agency. 1 in 5 Winnipeg residents live with a mental illness and these people need us! We provide them with resources and recovery options. We work with them for as long as it takes to assist them with their illness and with things such as helping them find employment and housing. Everyone wins when people that live with a mental illness are employed and active, contributing members of society.

How will the $25K be used?

Budget Notes: Building renovations
$ 10,000 computer equipment
$ 5,000 audio visual equipment
$ 10,000 office furniture

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