To establish a community center for the adaptation of new ImmigrantsFaizul Mohee


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  • To register a Non-Profit Organization
  • To establish a Community Center for the new Immigrants in Canada
  • To help them adapting in Canada
  • To provide them adequate information and training for potential jobs
  • To help them practicing their own culture in the new country


At first, I will  register  a  Non-Profit Organization, and then establish  this center for the  new Immigrants in Canada. This center will help them to adapt in this new country,  provide them with all necessary information, provide them some  training  for different  types of works, help them in  finding job through networking. This center will also be used by the Immigrants and  their children so that they can teach their children  about their  first language, observe yearly social events, meet other similar background and similar  interest people. 

This center will also act as a food bank and a cloths bank for the poor new immigrant people in severe financial crisis.

This  project requires CAD  $100,000 funding as  a start  up  fund, and will  require one year to establish. I am confident that this project will help developing a new community and help them having a good life.

Community Benefit

This center will also act as a food bank and a cloths bank for the poor new immigrant people in severe financial crisis. This community people can get necessary information and training from here. Social events of the community to practice their art and culture.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 40,000 1 full time and some part time employees
$ 2,000 Advertising
$ 7,000 Creating content and developing Training Manuals
$ 1,000 Incorporation, Registration and Tax-exempt status of NPO
$ 10,000 Training session for free to the New Immigrants
$ 25,000 Houserent
$ 15,000 Food Bank and Cloths Bank

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