provide resources to youth, families, homeless and "working poor."The East Scarborough Boys and Girls Club


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  • To provide resources to homeless youth and those in need
  • Temporary and long term solutions for youth and family needs
  • Temporary and long term solutions for youth and family needs


The "Packs For Poverty" project aims to provide necessity care packs to youth, families, the "working poor" and those in need. The necessity packs will be made gender and situationally specific to its recipients in order to ensure that those receiving will have their necessities met. Funding will be used to facilitate the creation of our necessity care packs and to aid in the longevity of sustaining partnerships that are formed as a result of our necessity care pack distribution. Funds will also be used to form partnerships with various community kitchens to provide food stuffs for youth led learning circles, advocacy and awareness events, as well as community food needs. The project aims to not only provide necessity care packs but to increase community awareness of the plight of hunger and homeless among youth and families within the region of East Scarborough.

Community Benefit

The benefit of this project is that it will benefit the community by providing a resource that may have otherwise not been available to the community. It will also allow for other outlets that provide similar sources such as food stuffs to receive some relief since often their supplied run out. It will also benefit the community by allowing those involved and benefitting to receive knowledge about the current problem of homelessness and hunger that exists in the Scarborough community but often goes unnoticed.

How will the $10K be used?

Budget Notes: Not covering transportation of staff and youth for the distrubution of packs.
$ 700 promotional posters etc
$ 1,500 food for community partner promotional events
$ 800 honorarium for speakers
$ 1,000 supplies and food for learning circles
$ 2,000 for backpacks
$ 4,000 for supplies for care pack

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