Redefine the concept of Homelessness. geoff lambert


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  • to redefine the concept of Homelessness

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I have designed and built 12 prototype billboards/ heated cot, one for each province in Canada. The project would require volunteers to pull the billboards around their town promoting peace and respect....or even sponsored messages. The money generated from the sponsors would go initially into building more carts. Once enough carts have been built to satisfy the need for cots for the homeless, the cots/ carts would be transfered to the homeless community and this new revenue stream would be directed at maintaining the project. The bicycle billboards, when not in use would be unfolded at a designated location and become a heated cot for the homeless. 

Community Benefit

Initially the promotion of peace and respect will be a very positive idea....once sponsorship occurs, the new revenue stream can be directed at reducing or redefining the current concept of homelessness in every participating community.

How will the $5K be used?

Budget Notes: this money is to build the each cart/ cot and does not include the bicycle to pull it.
$ 1,000 to build each cot

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