provide risk-reduction sex ed to youth who need it most!Candice Reich


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  • To reduce the likelihood of youth experiencing negative outcomes
  • To reduce the number of STI infections amongst youth
  • To help youth prevent unintended pregnancies
  • To help youth develop skills to make safer sex decisions
  • To educate youth so they can make informed sexual decisions


My workshop project offers youth-based sex ed outreach to youth in Simcoe County.  I provide skills and information to youth who are most at risk for negative outcomes, including sexually transmitted infections, HIV infection and unintended pregnancy.  By participating in my program, youth have the opportunity to learn about safe and effective condom use, contraceptive options, healthy relationships and communication.  Workshops are interactive and teach concrete skills, such as how to use condoms, where to access services, and how to communicate with partners about sex.  

- Youth have the knowledge to make informed, healthy sexual decisions
- Youth have access to accurate sexual health information in a youth-friendly setting
- Youth are better equipped to negotiate sexual decisions with their partner(s)
- Youth have increased awareness of STIs, including HIV, and how to avoid them
- The only such program available to youth in Orillia, Ontario

Community Benefit

This project will benefit the community by providing youth an opportunity to make healthy sexual decisions. By teaching youth skills to protect themselves as well as why protection is important, youth are more likely to engage in safer sex (e.g. condom use). As a result, youth will be less likely to contract STIs, including HIV, and will also be less likely to experience unintended pregnancy. Rates of STIs have been steadily increasing in Simcoe County, and outreach programs such as this one are not currently offered in Orillia. Because this program is skills-based, youth have a chance to interact with the information and practice what they learn. This project fills an existing gap in the community, addressing the needs of youth to have a safe space to talk about sex and sexuality, get support and information, and learn new skills. Other organizations in the area support this initiative and recognize its value to young people in the Orillia area.

How will the $5K be used?

Budget Notes: - Educational materials and supplies include a sex ed kit, posters, handouts and other youth-accessible materials (including condoms). - Activity costs include activity development and the creation of materials (e.g. game supplies). - The budget will not cover payment for the facilitator
$ 2,000 Educational Materials
$ 1,500 Activities
$ 750 Travel
$ 750 Advertising

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