build a safe playground for kindergarten kids at Spring Park School. Spring Park School Playground Committee


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  • To build a safe, wheelchair accessible playground for 400 children
  • To incorrporate a greenspace with trees, plants, sunshade, and seating
  • To create an outdoor classroom for our children
  • To help raise the $100,000 this project requires to complete


In 2010 the kindergarten program joined the school system. Our playground equipement is not suitable for the smaller, and sometimes, weaker, children who cannot reach the monkey bars, or safely use the current playground. We hope to build a wheelchair accessible playground that also considers the special needs of children who attend our school or may live in the surrounding areas.

We want to incorrporate a green space with shade, seating, and an outdoor classroom. This will inspire our children to spend time outdoors, and encourage the much needed exercise that is lacking.

We have been doing extensive research, fundraising, and working hard to bring this playground to reality. Our children deserve the right to play, learn, exercise, and be  healthy in the environment where they spend most of their day...their school.

Community Benefit

This playground will benefit the community as a whole due to the fact that there are no wheelchair accessible playgrounds in the area. We want inclusion for all, not just the able-bodied children.

How will the $100K be used?

Budget Notes: This budget is to cover the playpiece and associated structures, but does not take into account the extensive amount of volunteer hours needed to fundraise, help construct, plant, and care for the space.
$ 90,000 to purchase the wheelchair accessible play piece
$ 5,000 to prepare the area for the build, and install the play piece
$ 5,000 to create the greenspace and outdoor classroom

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