Stand Out! A Talent show for kids in the Jane and Finch NeighbourhoodBukkies Kids Production


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  • create educational fund for kids in jane & Finch area


  • locate and find young talented children
  • help expose and develop their skills
  • promote creative and positive thinking from a very young age
  • help drive positive media to elevated our financial status in toronto by having a friendly competiton event for al auditioned talents

Community Benefit

Jane and finch community involvement for families and youth catch them young whe they can be taught responsibility to build our children to recognize their talent and put it to good use to unify our cultural differences in their similarities and differences

How will the $25K be used?

$ 10,000 scholarship
$ 5,000 production of live show
$ 3,000 costumes and stationary
$ 5,000 advertisment
$ 2,000 food, transportation

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