Housing and Community Adaptations to Accommodate People with Disabilities
June 14, 2021 Community Projects 0
As a community project, you could take on the issue of public spaces not being able to accommodate people with disabilities. Many people take for granted the ability to get from place to place easily and access community resources without trouble. For individuals with disabilities curbs, stairs, obstructions, narrow passageways and a lack of ramps can be barriers to getting around the community. Signs, traffic signals and walkways must also be considered as necessities for individuals with disabilities.
Changing the Physical and Social Character of Your Community
Community projects can be created to ensure that individuals with disabilities have access to buildings, bathrooms and passageways used by the public. Access to employment, education, and other amenities goes hand in hand with physical access to community spaces. By creating barrier-free environments for people with disabilities you are changing not only the physical space, but also the political and social components of a community as well.
How Do You Ensure Access for People with Disabilities?
The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) which passed in 1990 is there to ensure that people with disabilities have the right to accessible amenities within their communities. ADA guarantees physical accessibility as well as counteracts discrimination in employment and the delivery of goods, services, programs, and education for individuals with disabilities. One area of concern is ensuring that individuals with disabilities can exit buildings safely in the case of emergencies such as fires. If elevators are not functioning properly, can people in wheelchairs exit a building safely? Creating ramps, accessible emergency exits, wider access, and automatic doors, your community can become more accessible for people with disabilities.
Renovations for Accessibility
To increase accessibility, one can recommend bathroom renovations in Perth. For example, public washrooms can be made wider and be made wheelchair accessible. For community centres with pools, showers can be made wider and support devices can be put in place such as bars and seating. Other things to consider include the height of hand driers, sinks and soap dispensers. There are also some great eco-friendly options for these projects as well. Reusing and recycling to make ramps and other things can be great for our environment and for the disabled.To seek out information on bathroom renovations, see PerthRenovationsGroup.com.au to find out more.
Why Ensure Access for Individuals with Disabilities?
In most cases the ADA states that it is the law to ensure access for people with disabilities. Ensuring access is also a matter of respect and providing fair opportunities for all. People with disabilities are smart, capable and talents. These talents would be wasted if they were denied access to community resources due to physical constraints. Ensuring accessibility also makes sense economically and financially in the long run. It can increase the number of customers for a business and therefore increase sales and profits. Adding to the diversity of a community is always a positive thing. Also, when areas become more accessible for people with disabilities they really become more accessible for everyone in the community.