Upcycle a Girls Bike in 3 Easy Steps
May 30, 2021 Community Projects 0
The best bicycles do not have to be new from the store. In fact, children grow so quickly that many parents prefer to find a gently used bike for their child. But what happens when you find a bike that is a little rough around the edges and want to dress it up for your little girl? The answer is simple. You can upcycle your newly found bicycle to the perfect girls bike for your child with three easy steps.
Step 1: Fix the Body
The first thing that you want to do is fix up the body of the bicycle. Adult bikes have different cross bars that help us distinguish between a womans bike and a mans bike. However, kids bikes are more universal since they are still growing. Start by making sure all the parts are in working order. You may need to pick up a new tube for the tires or simply inflate the tire. Make sure that the brake cables are properly connected and the bike chain is oiled and running smoothly.
Next you will want to replace any parts that are heavily damaged and you may want to change the seat into one that more comfortable or simply appeals to your child’s taste.
Step 2: Add the Paint and Sparkle
Maybe your daughter isn’t interested in sparkle on her bike but you will want to add features that she does enjoy. Start by pressure washing the paint off of the metal parts of the bicycle. If the paint is not chipped then you may choose to simply paint over it with white paint before repainting with a new color.
It’s best to do any type of paint job semi-indoors and with spray paint. You do not want the wind to blow paint splatter all over your car or your neighbors property. Consider working in the garage with the door open. Ventilation is critical when using spray paint. You should also be sure to wear a mask. Spray paint allows you to apply a smooth, even finish to the bicycle which results in a professional appearance.
Depending on the age of your child, you may want to add some streamers to the handles or a basket on the front of the bicycle. Be sure to also add a water bottle to help encourage proper hydration while riding around the neighborhood.
Step 3: Make it Hers
The last step in upcycling a girls bike is to add a special something that makes it perfect for your little girl. Many girls are into dolls which means that adding a doll bicycle seat to the back may be a good choice. Top off the entire project by picking up a new bicycle helmet for your child that matches the theme of the bike. Be sure the stop by the local police station or fire department to have your child’s head size measured to be sure that the helmet fits properly.
Riding a bike is a much better activity for children than playing video games. You can encourage this healthy habit by planning family biking trips down the local rail trail or bicycle path. Whenever your child is heading out on the bike, be sure that she is accompanied by friends and knows the rules of where she can and cannot go.