Why a Phlebotomist is Good for Your Community
August 3, 2021 Community Projects 0
A good community relies on a number of wholesome characteristics. It should be well rounded and provide its residents with a range of goods and services. It shouldn’t overload on one type of store or product, as that makes it less likely to withstand sudden change. It should be clean, and tidy, and give its residents a space to be educated and healthy.
On that last point, health, it’s easy to under-think. A decent medical centre is usually in the offing, but have you ever thought about whether your community needs a phlebotomist? There’s plenty of phlebotomy information out there on what a phlebotomist does, but we’re going to break it down to just the basics.
- What Is It?
A Phlebotomist is the fancy name for someone who collect and analysis blood samples. It’s a simple procedure, but one that has important ramifications. If your community has no way of testing blood, then all samples from all residents must be shipped off elsewhere. There they are tested and sent back again. The room for error is greatly increased, as are the cost.
- Why bother?
A phlebotomist is a respectable position in the medical community. It commands a decent salary, usually averaging in and around the mid-30s. You’ll not only be helping out the residents, but you’ll be adding a vital member of society, someone with brains and intelligence and drive and skill. A good phlebotomist will also be able to set up a blood bank system. Giving blood is extremely important and it’s something we don’t do enough, but your newest resident could help set up a drive, and stock pile for when the community needs it most.
- How Do I Become One?
If the idea of a phlebotomist appeals to you, it’s relatively straight forward to become one. All you have to do is put the time, energy and money into an accredited course. Usually, a two year degree will suffice, which is far less than most other medical jobs. Some states make you work a certain number of hours before you are certified, but view this as work experience and it makes more sense. Double check what your state requires, and then jump on board the phlebotomy train. It’s a great job with real benefits, both to you and your community. You can also find additional information at http://healthcareincomes.com/.