Put the summer in summertime with a fun BBQ community project
June 23, 2021 Community Projects 0
Do you live in a close knit community? Have neighbors that wave when they get their mail or walk their dog by your patio and stop to say hi? If so, why not take advantage of that bond you have with your neighbors and throw together a community project you can work on together. Summer is here, it’s a great time to throw together a neighborhood barbeque.
Get together with some of your neighbors and the first thing to start with is a date that most everyone will be able to attend and go from there. Figure out what kind of food that there will be served, make it a great BBQ with pot luck dishes brought from people attending. Set it up at a park where the children can have fun hanging out together on the jungle gym and running all over the place with games like tag and hide and seek.
Then when the day gets here, you’ll be amazed at how things seem to fall into place. Men manning the BBQ keeping eye on the food on the grill while some go out and toss a football with the kids. The women getting together for a little neighborhood gossip and trading recipes about the dishes they’ve brought and what’s going on in their day to day lives.
It’s a great time to pick up on tips and tricks that make their lives easier or happier. One of the gossipy topics women talk about when they get together is any adventures that they are or are not having in the bedroom. Don’t be surprised if you find out that a couple or two have resorted to trying pills to liven things out and have more time to spend romantically with each other. Then you might find yourself hearing a little gossip about how one couple have found a way to spend that time together for longer stretches and by not using pills. You probably think they aren’t serious, but you can find out more information here. It’s just part of the gossip but it’d be great to cut pills out of the regimen. Who needs chemicals to put in your body for something along the lines of private time in the bedroom when it can be done naturally? You can use this link to see if they are right and it’s something worth trying because according to them, it most definitely is.
Good old fashioned BBQ’s in your community are a fun way to spend time with your neighbors outside of the community projects you tackle together throughout the year. Games, food, gossip, and all around fun. Even talks about other community projects that you can plan to work on together next. The BBQ isn’t a project, it’s a get together between a community that is like having a reward, a celebration for all the projects that you have tackled thus far and make ways for new projects that are on the way next,