Provide Thousands of Children with non-judgmental reading experiencesTherapy Tails Niagara


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  • Increase the number of hours children read
  • Foster a sense of well being and confidence in children
  • Create scenarios that enhance self-esteem
  • Allow children to associate with and learn to handle dogs

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Reading skills are important to furthering education and building self-esteem.  Tell Tails goes into schools, libraries, & special literacy events to allow children to read to dogs. This is a non-judgmental setting allowing them to relax and enjoy a well trained and attentive animal.  As reading skills increase children are empowered to continue with their lesson and create a friendship with the dogs who visit.  Working with administrative personnel our teams set up times, days and frequency with each group-fitting seamlessly into their lesson plans. We arrive, sit comfortably on a reading blanket and allow each child time to meet, greet, read, and receive praise.  On a regular basis children grow to expect the visit and a reading exercise to ensue.  Special literacy days and events allow them to exercise their new found confidence and showcase their reading skills. As more children join the program, others will follow.



Community Benefit

Children learn better reading skills and exhibit more sociable behavior because of their interaction with the dog teams, as well as a sense of empowerment and self-esteem. Statistically children comfortable with reading go further scholastically, are more confident, enjoy school more, and are less likely to find more destructive ways to fill their time. Constant exposure to dogs will show children how to care for them,treat them,approach them and make animals part of society in a positive and meaningful way. The educational system, already stretched financially, have another tool to bring positive and meaningful assistance to their students. In a society of negative stereotypes our group showcases well behaved, attentive, special dogs and their handlers who are ready to help children become productive members of society with a social conscience regarding pets and their roles.

How will the $10K be used?

Budget Notes: supply reading blankets for each facility served, ensure police checks, Photo ID, uniforms are ready for each team. Ensure that promotional material alerts our target audience to this vital program.
$ 2,000 Reading Blankets/pillows and logos
$ 4,025 Team Uniforms
$ 1,875 Photo IDs/Police Checks
$ 600 promotional materials-signs, posters)
$ 600 Token rewards
$ 900 Special Book Selections

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