Provide activities for autistic children. Une Passion Une Vie


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  • offer activities to a minimum of 12 children..


We provide several types of activities to children with pervasive developmental disorders (such as autism, Asperger Syndrome and dysphasia). Our activities are basically related to the farm, such as raising goats, quails, rabbits, as well as horticulture and agriculture. We also provide courses in martial arts. These activities are designed to develop coordination, self-esteem and other social integration skills.

This grant will help provide our services to a larger number of children, and purchase new equipment in order to carry out the different activities.


Community Benefit

Our main aim is to broaden the horizon of as many children as possible. By participating in these activities, children develop the ability to integrate into their community, despite their differences. There are very few existing services of this type.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 30,000 Equipment
$ 70,000 registration fees for activities

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