replace artificial turf & equipment lost in fire at West Ottawa SoccerWest Ottawa Soccer Club


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  • To provide a facility for our members to play soccer year round
  • To permit members of our community to be physically active.
  • To develop young soccer players within our Club
  • To foster a sense of community in West Ottawa

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Project Summary:
The focus of the West Ottawa Soccer Club's "No Place to Play" project is to replace the artificial turf field surface and soccer training equipment that was lost in the fire on February 28, 2021 at our indoor year round facility. This is more than a building to our community, it is a place for children and youth to learn soccer skills, improve self-confidence and be part of a team. Our adult members also obtain the health benefits of lower stress and greater overall physical fitness.

One indoor field artifical turf surface
Various soccer and physical fitness training equipment

Community Benefit

The "No Place to Play" project will benefit the over 120,000 residents of our communities by providing them with a year round indoor soccer facility. Through our coaches & the specific equipment this grant would provide, children in west Ottawa learn the basics of soccer in a fun environment. The youth members of our Club learn teamwork & goal-setting skills, while at the same time developing a life-long awareness of the benefits of physical activity. Our adult members train, play & maintain a level of fitness critical to their health.

How will the $100K be used?

Budget Notes: Our budget does not include reconstruction of the indoor soccer building, clubhouse or offices. The funds will not be used to purchase uniforms, pay league fees, or salaries of coaches and staff.
$ 75,000 Replace artifical turf field surface
$ 25,000 Replace soccer training equipment

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