train dogs to detect falling blood sugar levels in type 1 diabetics.Sydney Fletcher for C.O.P.E. Service Dogs


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  • Be the first organization in Canada to train alert dogs for diabetics.

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Every day, diabetics like myself live with the constant fear that they’ll experience a life
threatening drop in blood sugar. Because dogs have a keen sense of smell and a natural
yearning to help people, they can be trained to detect falling blood sugar levels, alert their
owners and lessen the chance of a serious outcome.

While there are organizations in the United States that train dogs to help diabetics,
currently there is not one in Canada. By partnering with C.O.P.E. Service Dogs we
hope to be the first in Canada to provide these life saving and emotionally supportive
companions to type 1 diabetics.

Community Benefit

The benefit of working with C.O.P.E. Service Dogs is that it's not just type 1 diabetics who benefit. Through the unique youth program, C.O.P.E. engages students experiencing challenges at high school. Each student is matched with a C.O.P.E. puppy and assist with basic training. As part of the training, the youth take their C.O.P.E. dogs to elementary schools to help struggling students with reading and math, while also visiting nursing homes for dog therapy visits.

How will the $100K be used?

$ 10,000 train 2 dogTrainers in blood sugar level scent detection.
$ 44,000 Train 2 dogs from puppy to service dog (to start).
$ 36,000 Follow-up and veterinary care for the life of the dog.
$ 10,000 Marketing and promotion.

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